Chat for free and without limits.

Send unlimited text messages and emoji anywhere in the world for just $25 a year.

See your plan. See what you’ll pay.

Our base plan includes unlimited text message and emoji anywhere in the world. Do you want to share photos and videos and make voice calls too?
Purchase a multimedia recharge now (optional).

Unlimited Chat $25 a year
+ Multimedia Credits (optional) Recharge from $20 - $50 - $100

1Text messages and emoji are unlimited for personal, lawful and conforming use. Please refer to the General Contractual Terms and Conditions.
In Cuba, Cape Verde, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Malawi, Mauritius, Monaco, Sierra Leone and Vietnam the annual limit is 5 MB.
2 The followed rates are referred to ChatSim Unlimited. Discover ChatSim, ChatSim Plus and ChatSim Unlimited activated before October 5th, 2017. 
3Rates includes VAT where due.

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